LGBTQ+ young people are disproportionately exposed to violence and marginalization based on homophobia, transphobia, queer criminalization, racism, ableism, capitalism, adultism, the patriarchy, and other systems of oppression. Many do not have any LGBTQ+ adults in their lives who are invested in their joy and growth. We are here to change that.
We facilitate intergenerational individual, group, and peer LGBTQ+ mentoring relationships that make a mutually affirming, positive impact
Our Mission
We strive to create transformative mentorship opportunities where LGBTQ+ young people are invited to explore their passions, agency, and personhood alongside an intergenerational community.
Our Vision
We envision a world where LGBTQ+ young people are surrounded by affirming, trusted, and allied peers, adults, communities, and structures that support them to thrive with authenticity and pride.
We hold this as a guide for our work, countering the harm and addressing a critical need of LGBTQ+ young people.
Theory of Change
LGBTQ+ young people are disproportionately exposed to violence and marginalization.
The harm
LGBTQ+ young people need communities where they can be unapologetically themselves.
The need
Our work
We facilitate intergenerational mentoring relationships for LGBTQ+ young people that address the harm in their lives and celebrate them for who they are. Our programs are all-encompassing, reimagining mentorship to be individual, group, and peer. As a remote-first organization, we further reimagine mentoring by creating far-reaching access for LGBTQ+ young people across the country.
Our Values
These are the central principles of how we practice our mission. We infuse all of our work with these values.
We actively remove barriers that may otherwise prevent your meaningful presence and participation with us. We model accessible and equitable practices we wish to see in the world. We deeply value and embrace the identities of our community members, especially transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary youth; Black, Indigenous, youth of color; disabled youth; undocumented youth; and youth in foster care, shelters, and the immigration and incarceration systems.
We build intentional, intersectional, and inclusive relationships throughout our community where people feel connected, supported, and that you uniquely belong.
We meet you where you are to create approachable and accessible ways to self-discovery, knowledge-sharing, and truth-telling.
Relationship Building
We lead with a strengths-based and positive youth development lens that especially embraces the importance of humor, playfulness, and wonder.
We practice transparent communication, accountability, and reliability to build trust within our community.
Our Mission in Action
How you can be a part of our mission
There are so many ways to get involved that have a big impact, and they all start with one click
Families served
Donate to our cause
In a world where LGBTQ+ lives are under attack, your dollars directly make a positive impact on the young people affected.
Partner with us
We need the support of nonprofit partners, corporate sponsors, and grants to create a more loving world for LGBTQ+ young people.