Embedding Queerness in our Structure: Announcing Our New Leadership Chapter

We are excited to announce a new chapter in Linked Mentoring’s journey as we embrace a distributed leadership structure that aligns deeply with our core values and mission. At Linked Mentoring, we believe in creating approachable and accessible pathways to self-discovery, knowledge-sharing, and truth-telling. We build intentional, intersectional, and inclusive relationships throughout our community where people feel connected, supported, and uniquely belong. We lead with a strengths-based approach that embraces humor, playfulness, and wonder. We practice transparent communication, accountability, and reliability to build trust within our community. And we actively remove barriers that may otherwise prevent meaningful presence and participation with us. Ultimately, we aim to model the accessible and equitable practices we wish to see in the world, including in our leadership structure.

How this new structure aligns with our work

Queerness, as a theory, practice, identity, and culture, has always disrupted existing perceptions of how things are and how they should be. Queer and trans people, more specifically queer and trans people of color, have always been at the forefront of innovative and equitable community organizing practices. As our organization and community move into the future, grow, and evolve, we ground ourselves in the philosophies, approaches, and practices of those who came before us. One way we are doing so is by transitioning to a distributed leadership structure.

In alignment with these values, our new distributed leadership structure models the shared ownership, communal leadership, and collective decision-making we hope to inspire in the LGBTQ+ young people we are in community with. This approach fosters active feedback processes, trust-based relationships, and learning-centered practices. It allows us to leverage the unique expertise and experiences of each leader while building collective knowledge over time.

The new leaders of Linked Mentoring

In place of an individual leading the organization, we are excited to introduce our leadership team: Izzy Spriggs, Interim Director of Organizational Sustainability; Jake Sullivan, Director of Mentorship; and Maxx LaBrie, Director of Community Engagement.

Izzy Spriggs (she/they) currently serves as the President of the Board and will move into the role of Interim Director of Organizational Sustainability to support the organization in transitioning into this new structure. They will focus on the sustainability of our organization in two areas: 1) people and culture and 2) fund development. As a Black and queer community-builder, Izzy is thrilled to continue serving Linked Mentoring and its people.

Jake Sullivan (he/him) is a co-founder of our mentoring program and has been leading it since its start. As the Director of Mentorship, he will lead our organization’s programs and contribute best practices and knowledge for the betterment of the mentoring field, filling a critical gap. Jake is very excited to continue to be a part of Linked Mentoring’s journey as we evolve to meet the needs of our community.

Maxx LaBrie (they/he) moves to the role of Director of Community Engagement, where he will expand our social media presence, content development, and partnerships framework. They will also leverage their systems advocacy and peer support expertise to develop trainings and workshops for our community partners.

As we move into this new phase together, we recognize that it requires patience, time, and a commitment to learning and growth. We are dedicated to investing in the professional development of our staff and to creating ample feedback loops to remain responsive to our community’s wants and needs, ensuring that our shared decision-making is successful and impactful.

Thank you for being an integral part of Linked Mentoring. We are excited to continue co-creating an inclusive, empowering, and equitable environment for you.


Proudly Presenting: Linked Mentoring — Our Rainbow Rebrand